
About Us

Cub Scout Pack 3840

Helping Cub Scouts

Create Their Future

Check Out Our Year-Round

Family-Oriented Program That

Helps Boys & Girls Develop


Physical and Mental Fitness

Citizenship Skills

Cub Scouts is about family. And Cub Scouts is about helping boys and girls develop the confidence, self-esteem, and the life skills, such as leadership and working in teams, they need to be successful. Pack 3840 Cub Scouts do a series of carefully crafted activities in groups and with their family that:

  • Build confidence and fitness through physical activities
  • Develop mental processes. Cub Scouts experiment, observe, reflect, calculate, and express ideas.
  • Develop a value system. Through learning, guided practice, and positive reinforcement, cub scouts develop a sense of right and wrong, fair and unfair. Cub Scouts learn from working with each other, and from the adult leaders, who are realistic role models they can relate to.
  • Help boys learn to get along with others. Group activities give Cub Scouts the opportunity to learn how to balance give and take, accommodating others, and the value of teamwork
  • Develop personal independence.  Working with adults and Cub Scouts outside their family gives them confidence and helps prepare them to enter society

These activities help Cub Scouts develop the habits of success they will need throughout the rest of their lives.

Contact us for more information.

Rachel Mrugala, Pack Committee Chair Marc Mrugala, Cubmaster
Phone: (262)573-2863 Phone: (262)573-2860
Email: TheMrugalas@gmail.com Email: mrugala108@gmail.com








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